In the heart of the historic center, the Museum of Headdress and Traditional Costume invites you to discover a collection of more than 700 authentic pieces dedicated to ceremonial headdresses and headdresses of everyday life.


From 15/04 to 20/10/2025
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 14:30 p.m. to 17:30 p.m.
Closed Monday and Tuesday.
Exceptional closures on May 1, May 8 and August 15.

The museum of the headdress and the traditional costume is in the old hospital dating from the XNUMXth century where no operation was practiced on the spot, only the sick were treated there.
It is accessed by a shaded inner courtyard. You enter through a small door under a volcanic stone arch. The two rooms on the ground floor are free and free to access.
The first room upstairs is intended for the temporary exhibition; this year it concerns trimmings, it will last until October 15, 2023.
The second room is devoted to headdresses and hats from Auvergne. They are sorted by region and municipality (Haute-Loire, Cantal, Puy en Velay) to become aware of the different modes depending on the location. When we talk about headdresses, and even more broadly about clothing, we are talking about fashion and therefore about history. There was a time not very long ago when it was bad form to “go out in your hair”, something tolerated only for prostitutes. One can also observe the artifices of certain headdresses according to social class; ladies with higher financial means had wide ribbons
of silk (floats). Trimmings were purchased in Saint-Etienne, fabrics and silks were purchased in Lyon.
We go upstairs via a period spiral staircase whose steps are cut directly into the mass of the log.
We then discover a room intended mainly for bridal headdresses as well as widows' headdresses.
We can then observe a general overview of period costumes on
model. In this last room a historical fresco was discovered. Under the paintings, would be visibly hidden, many other frescoes to update.


  • Average duration of the individual visit: 60 min
  • Average duration of the group visit: 60 min
  • Groups welcome up to 30 people.

Visit languages

  • French

Individual visit services

  • Unguided individual tours permanently
  • Permanent individual guided tours

Group visits services

  • Unguided group tours permanently
  • Guided group tours permanently


From 15 April to 20 October
Monday Closed
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday Open from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 14 p.m. to 30 p.m.
Thursday Open from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 14 p.m. to 30 p.m.
Friday Open from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 14 p.m. to 30 p.m.
Saturday Open from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 14 p.m. to 30 p.m.
Sunday Open from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 14 p.m. to 30 p.m.


Adult 5 €
Adult group 4 €

Payment method

  • Cheque
  • Cash



  • Parking nearby
  • Toilets