How to come to the territory of Brioude Sud Auvergne?

Located in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, halfway between Clermont-Ferrand and Puy en Velay, the territory of Brioude is easily accessible

By Car

  • From Clermont-Ferrand by the A75 motorway, exit 20 Le Puy en Velay / Brioude / Sainte-Florine / Vergongheon
  • or exit 22 Le Puy en Velay / Brioude / Blesle / Espalem (from Clermont-Ferrand)
  • From Puy-en-Velay by national 102

by train

The train station is in Brioude

The opening hours are: Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday - Thursday from 03:45 to 23:30 - Friday from 03:45 to 00:30 - Saturday from 03:45 to 21:30 -

Getting around in town

brivabus = regular city transport

This is a 16 seater bus. The Fontanon company will provide the service

when does the shuttle run? What is his background?

From Tuesday morning to Saturday evening from March 29

• On Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays the times are the same: first departure at 9:15 a.m. and last arrival at 16:15 p.m. (break from 11:15 a.m. to 14 p.m.)

• Wednesdays and Saturdays: first departure at 9:15 am and last arrival at 17:15 pm (break from 11:15 am to 15 pm).

The same route will be made seven times a day, in order to serve all the stopping points and thus connect the shopping areas, the city center, the HLM route de Saint-Flour and the Aqualudic Centre.

It will take three quarters of an hour to make a complete rotation.

The shuttle will pass every ¼ hour at Place de Paris (city center stop) Stops will be made on request, if no one is present the driver will go his way.

Please note: all children under 11 must be accompanied by an adult to take the shuttle!

How much are tickets?

An annual card will be issued at the town hall. Users will only have to complete a sworn statement form and pay the annual amount to receive their card. These receipts will be managed by a municipal revenue authority.

Young people from 11 to 16 years old: 1€ / year

People over 16 years old: 5€ / year