Distance: 9.3 km
Duration (average) : 02h
Elevation: 199 D +
Circuits of France_circuits
Circuits of France_POI
Registered with the PDIPR
From place to place, near or far, emerge from the forests or at the bend of a path, the very different castles of Vernassal, small Versailles, Védrines, fortified castle revised by the XNUMXth century, and Léotoing, romantic ruins. Label Respirando

With your back to the car park, take the first street on the right in front of the war memorial. Head right again at the next one and continue straight to leave the village. Go along the sewage treatment plant, cross a small bridge and take the first track on the right.
Cross the road and go up opposite. At the top, at the crossroads, continue to the right on the path.
Cross a small bridge and shortly after go down to the right on the path, along the fields, then the Vernassal stream. In the village, continue straight to join the D19.
Follow it to the right for 150 m. Before Les Loye, turn left onto the tarmac track. Abandon a track on the left and continue on the track which climbs steeply. At the top of the hill, walk to the right for a few meters then turn left and climb. Then take the first path on the right which descends the road.
Follow it to the left to reach Lorlanges.